Tuesday, July 17, 2007


There old sweet smile has gone
We are together, but I feel all alone.
I felt inspired by your smile,
But now I see it no more.
You sound cold, you look tense.
Unlike then, nowadays we talk less,
When we’re together there’s just silence.
You got me wondering-Am I the menace?
Am a lost ship sailing in the seas.
All I want in my heart is a little peace.
I know that the harder I’ll fall the more I’ll bounce,
I’ll give it some little time, some more patience.
We’ll be there again since we’ve been there once.
Now sweetie, Look me straight in my eyes,
Talk to my heart and please don’t lie,
Why did the good old days die?
(Everything at some point has a state of instability. A ship meets heavy
breeze in the seas and needs to anchor. Every relationship has that point
where there is turbulence, this poem here is meant to inspire, to show that
even when those bad times come when there is no peace, we should hold on.
These times are just meant to take us higher, to make us tighter; be more
stronger than we were..)

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